How to make your website visible on Google with SEO

If you want to have your website visible on Google, Reinforce your Brand’s visibility and Authority… SEO is essential to generate more traffic and give your website more visibility…

One of the most efficient ways to achieve this is without a doubt investing in the production of strategic content, rich in SEO (search engine optimization) strategies.

The production of strategic texts, with key words and phrases inserted in strategic positions with the purpose of adding more value to your content and making your website more visible, thus attracting search engines, but without losing the essence for your readers.

This will generate more visibility in organic searches, without the need for so much investment in paid campaigns.

Content production, even though it is a very efficient way, still needs to go in parallel with other strategies, for faster and more lasting success, when it comes to good positioning there must be willingness and a lot of willpower involved.

But where should I start?

As every beginning is the hardest part, it’s worth stopping everything you’re doing for a while to get started.

Defining the processes at the initial stage can be crucial for the good performance of the entire project.

Processes such as:

  • Delegate tasks.
  • Choose keywords.
  • Estimated time for each process.
  • Goal setting.
  • Target Audience.
  • Dissemination networks.
  • Sales channels…

If you feel confident and have time to dedicate yourself to some processes of your SEO project. Get to work!

Or, you can do a search for Digital Marketing companies qualified to run your project for you.

Planning content that generates engagement

To create content that generates revenue, it must solve a pain, a question or offer what the reader is looking for. This way the much-desired engagement will occur.

For this reason, it is necessary to keep in mind who the target audience is and what their needs and tastes are. What is the age group, neighborhood, city or country where they live…

Within this same audience there may be other different target audience segments that you are looking for, and everything needs to be well aligned before you start creating your content and incorporating your SEO techniques.

The text needs to be well structured and convey confidence in the topic at hand. Furthermore, it needs to be attractive and resolve customers’ doubts and pain points.

In fact, it is not just about mastering writing techniques, it is necessary to humanize the whole, text/information/SEO, thus arousing the interest of those who read them.

Capturing attention is essential, encouraging reading, sharing, comments and returning to your website.
Yes, that counts a lot for good positioning.


Anyway. These are undoubtedly one of the first steps towards having your service or product ready to be purchased. Whether it’s a purchase, a subscription, a registration, a download of some rich material…





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